Sunday, April 20, 2008

First haircut, Baahaar and Undercover Mission...

Bon jou!
I know y'all don't recognize me. But don't worry I can hardly recognize myself. Well it's meee Suji! Yes I've got my first haircut done. You know it is getting really hot here in the South, so my daddy decided to "cool me down." My brother Abram can't wait to get one too.
I have sooo much news to tell y'all. First of all our Leader, Baahaar, is finally back from vacation. She is sooo motivated to start the Mission! She gives us a speech every night before we go to bed. Also she has all kinds of stories from our sisters and brothers around the sheepworld.

According to her plan, we are going to establish a Joint Task Force, or disambiguation. She is going to choose "elite" sheep and rams to work on a single defined task or activity. This special unit is going to target only the countries that are of "high priority".

If that fails, we are going to back it up with plan B! According to this plan, Bahar is going to send sheep in undercover disguise--they may even look like people!! Ha-ha! Their job is to make contact with the Underground Resistant Lambs Group or URL-G. They will work on creating a "safepassage" for repressed lambs in Christ. Underground tunnels will lead them into a Safe Zone or Neutral Country, like Switzerland, where eating lambs is not popular.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008