Saturday, November 1, 2008

80 Days and Nights Around the SheepWorld

Heeey! We are baaack! Back from the future. Why future? I explain it later on. For now let me tell you guys where we've been. We traveled all aound the world. Our brothers and sisters requested that we strengthen our fellowsheep. So we started from our backyard South America. From there on we continued to to pur the most different, the most diverse, the most emotional and one of the biggest continents Africa. I know they have their own ups and downs. Couple people can't decide where equator line should intersect. Some tribes wants it on their property others desire the opposite. According to our Ethiopian brother, who had his PhD degree from
Harwardsheep University, this would be the continent where civilization would have its end. In another words the last pages of history would be written in here.

Our next stop was Europe Union. We were amazed by some changes in that continent. Countries that were fighting nearly 60 years ago, decided to lift all the borders up between each other. Of course it perfectly worked out for our sisters and brothers, since they can graze wherever they want to; one day in Paris, the next day in Frankfurt and after that in Rome. They can't say thet "grass is greener on the other side of the fence". Guess what! There are no fences anymore.

let me share with you my sheep-secret. According to one of our insiders, Europe Union's major goal is to become like USA. In another words they they want United States of Europe. I don't know how about you but in my opinion those guys are just jealous of us.