Saturday, November 1, 2008

80 Days and Nights Around the SheepWorld

Heeey! We are baaack! Back from the future. Why future? I explain it later on. For now let me tell you guys where we've been. We traveled all aound the world. Our brothers and sisters requested that we strengthen our fellowsheep. So we started from our backyard South America. From there on we continued to to pur the most different, the most diverse, the most emotional and one of the biggest continents Africa. I know they have their own ups and downs. Couple people can't decide where equator line should intersect. Some tribes wants it on their property others desire the opposite. According to our Ethiopian brother, who had his PhD degree from
Harwardsheep University, this would be the continent where civilization would have its end. In another words the last pages of history would be written in here.

Our next stop was Europe Union. We were amazed by some changes in that continent. Countries that were fighting nearly 60 years ago, decided to lift all the borders up between each other. Of course it perfectly worked out for our sisters and brothers, since they can graze wherever they want to; one day in Paris, the next day in Frankfurt and after that in Rome. They can't say thet "grass is greener on the other side of the fence". Guess what! There are no fences anymore.

let me share with you my sheep-secret. According to one of our insiders, Europe Union's major goal is to become like USA. In another words they they want United States of Europe. I don't know how about you but in my opinion those guys are just jealous of us.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

First haircut, Baahaar and Undercover Mission...

Bon jou!
I know y'all don't recognize me. But don't worry I can hardly recognize myself. Well it's meee Suji! Yes I've got my first haircut done. You know it is getting really hot here in the South, so my daddy decided to "cool me down." My brother Abram can't wait to get one too.
I have sooo much news to tell y'all. First of all our Leader, Baahaar, is finally back from vacation. She is sooo motivated to start the Mission! She gives us a speech every night before we go to bed. Also she has all kinds of stories from our sisters and brothers around the sheepworld.

According to her plan, we are going to establish a Joint Task Force, or disambiguation. She is going to choose "elite" sheep and rams to work on a single defined task or activity. This special unit is going to target only the countries that are of "high priority".

If that fails, we are going to back it up with plan B! According to this plan, Bahar is going to send sheep in undercover disguise--they may even look like people!! Ha-ha! Their job is to make contact with the Underground Resistant Lambs Group or URL-G. They will work on creating a "safepassage" for repressed lambs in Christ. Underground tunnels will lead them into a Safe Zone or Neutral Country, like Switzerland, where eating lambs is not popular.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My brother Abram and...

Hey y'all! Wellcome to our blogspot. My sister Suji didn't really leave much to say about myself. Well, my parents took me in as a foster child. They were supposed to turn me back to herd once I was stabilized. But my daddy felt sorry for me and decided to keep me. Moreover they gave me one condition: I have to behave! I have to be a good boy! Otherwise they are going to separate me from girls.


Hey hey! My name is Suji. My brother and I live in one of the Southern states of North America. My name means Sweet in one of those Asian languages. You know how many languages they speak. Sooo many tribes and subtribes and sub-sub-tribes. I am kidding! Anyways my daddy and mommy gave me this name and I am soo proud of it. First they decided to call me Juje which means chick for chicken. then they saw me as a Sweet Pie. Sometimes my daddy calls me "bolshoy nos" which means big nose in Russian. He thinks I put my nose everywhere. I am one of the triplets. My sister whose name would be Juje, died right after the birth. But my parents told she is in Heaven with all the other lambs. But I do have a brother by name Abram. You see him on top picture. He is much darker than me. Eventhough he is really "slow" , I love him to death. He follows me everywhere I go, just like I follow my sheperd-parents everywhere. You might ask how did we end up in my sheperd-parents house. Well my mother couldn't count at all. Most sheep are able to count till 2. That makes 0 and 1. But my mother was really slow with her math. I guess that where Abram gets his abilities from.
Anyway my mom and dad decided to found Lams In Christ Foundation. According to a story once there was a pioneer-lamb who was the actual reason for this foundation. Her name is Baahaar. She is in vacation now somewhere in Alabama. Baahaar was the one who raised her voice against worldwide genocide. She said "No" to sacrifice traditions. After reading in the Bible that Jesus Christ paid for all our sins once and forever, so there is no need for any kind of animal sacrifice, she decided to campaigne for her brothers and sisters in Sheperd. Abram is disagree with the last part "any kind of animal".

Our WWW Mission

Our Foundation is working very hard for freedom and justice for all lambs. Some of our fellows are in a major oprations like "Iraki Freedomsheep". They were succeded to take over the whole country. Now they have to fight insurgents who really like eating lamb chops.
Our next target is Iran. It is really a dangerous country for lambs like us. They have lamb-rated movies and restaurants. Especially in certain times of year they have these rated images almost in every corner of the streets.